Controls & Reference Materials
Highest-Quality Controls and Reference Materials
for Infectious Disease and Genomic Testing
Clinical laboratories require consistent, stable, and reliable sources of materials to validate and monitor their assay’s performance. With increasing reliance on test results and decreasing reimbursement, “gold standard” reference materials and controls are a necessity for any lab to implement a best-in-class quality control program. SeraCare’s trusted controls and reference materials provide:

- Patient-like performance for serology, molecular PCR, and sequencing-based assays
- Precise titration and high lot-to-lot consistency with excellent signal-to-noise ratio
- A wide range of important viral and bacterial pathogens including HIV, HBV and HCV, C.diff, and CT/NG
- Highly-multiplexed NGS biosynthetic reference materials for tumor-profiling, cell-free DNA, NIPT, and germline testing
Trusted Brands:
SeraCare’s controls and reference materials can aid in improving your quality assurance program while reducing costs from unwanted repeat procedures and saving your staff time in their daily workflow.